Is a ‘strong sense of listlessness’ even a thing? The Pipes Man was distracted. His day-to-day, the sustenance stuff, the things that objectively matter were slipping.
‘Just fucking get it. Then you don't have to think about getting it anymore,’ said Gadget. There was no counter-argument.
‘Just fucking get it. Then you don't have to think about getting it anymore,’ said Gadget. There was no counter-argument.

6am outside a hole-in-the-wall, the Pipes Man considered the value of the small bundle of glass he was to receive. A lick of apprehension, but he was in too deep. Besides, he’d heard this batch was simple to interface.
The low sun stretched the shadows as the queue edged forward.
The chemical release of the acquisition lasted around ten minutes. Now it was breakfast time and he wanted coffee.